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If you are trying to find tips, recommendations or just some extra motivation to stay fit and active for 2014, checking out these blogs will help you reach your fitness goals. Below is my list of 10 great fitness blogs for moms.
1. Diary of a fit Mommy by Sia Cooper
Sia is a mother and nurse. Her blog, Diary of a fit Mommy, is about her personal fitness journey and how you can stay fit during your pregnancy and beyond. You can visit Sia at
2. fit mommy in Training by Stephanie
Fit mommy in training is a personal blog about Stephanie’s life as a mom, wife, occupation woman and fitness enthusiast. For a lot more information about Stephanie and fit mommy in training visit
3. The get fit mommy by Jessica Sobolewski
Jessica blogs about health, fitness and being a mom. You can visit her at
4. fit fab fun Mom by Jane
Jane is a mommy who enjoys fitness, fashion and photography. Her blog,, is a lifestyle blog about fitness, fashion, food, photos and family.
5. Fit Hip mommy by Alicia
Alicia is a young mother of two from Chicago. Her blog, fit Hip mommy is about fitness, fashion and her personal adventures as a mom. visit Alicia at
6. Hippy fit Mom by Amber
Amber is a a entrepreneur, military spouse and mother of two. She is trying to find balance in this beautiful life as a wife, a mother, and everything in between while staying fit and healthy. For a lot more information about Amber visit
7. Fitness for Mom by Cami Checketts
Cami is an author, exercise expert and mother of four. You can visit her blog at
Related ideas for mommies trying to get Back in Shape
8. Fat to fit Confessions by Morgan
Morgan is a mother of three under five trying to lose the baby weight. Follow her health, wellness, weight loss and fitness journey at
9. Fit Foodie Mom by Darcy
Darcy is a a united states Marine Corps veteran and the mommy of a girl born in 2011 and a kid born in 2013. They, and the group fitness classes she instructs, keep her running from morning until night. Darcy blogs about fitness, food and being a mom. You can visit her at
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